Wednesday 5 April 2017

(back of) newsletter, 9th April 2017

RESPONSORIAL PSALM:  My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

There will be no Divine Mercy group on Monday 17th April.


9th April: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, 6pm (Saturday): Mr & Mrs Nicklin RIP

                 10am: Damian Machala (Mahawa), Get well intention

                 11.30am: Arul, Gnanusha & Anish intention

11th April, 10am: For the parishioners

12th April, 10am:

13th April, Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper, 7.30pm:


is a national organisation for Catholic men. We meet, in this Deanery, every third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm in the John Fisher room at St. Thomas of Canterbury Church in Magdalen Road, St. Leonard's. We actively raise funds for charities, hold mornings of reflection, go on pilgrimages and enjoy social activities together with our families. Anyone interested in joining should contact our membership secretary on 01424 772887.
In the Crypt. Entrance via The Bourne. Mondays 10.30am to 12 noon. 
April Programme:
10th: Bring your favourite egg-cup for a competition
17th: Closed Easter Monday
24th Raffle and Grand Cake Sale for St Michael’s Hospice
Annual subscription: £3. Non-members welcome: 50p for talks. Coffee/tea & biscuit (maybe cake): 50p.
Always something going on, so give us a try.


Dear God, in the battle that goes on in life,

I ask for a field that is fair.

A chance that is equal in all of the strife,

A chance to do and to dare.

And if I should win, let it be by the code,

With my heart and my honour held high;

But if I should lose, let me stand by the road,

And cheer as the winners pass by.


Jesus, stripped and scourged,

slapped and derided, crowned with thorns

and greeted with derision, spat upon, struck,

insulted and ridiculed, have mercy on us.

Jesus, laden with the cross of our sins

And the curses of the multitudes,

Nailed to an infamous tree between two thieves,

Wearied with insults and humiliations,

Mortified and dishonoured before men,

Have mercy on us.

St Vincent Pallotti, pray for us.

Mary, Queen of Apostles, pray for us.

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