Friday 2 December 2016

(back of) newsletter, 4th December 2016

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: In his days justice shall flourish
                                              And peace till the moon fails.

IMPULSES FOR PRAYER: Ps 23 (24)   Is 45:20-22;   Ez 36:16-38

Since by sharing in our nature he has become one with us here below – he reminds the Father that because he belongs to him the Father can in turn give him to us. And so he says ‘our bread’ (give us this day our daily bread). He doesn’t make any difference between himself and us, but we make one by not giving ourselves up each day for his Majesty.
St Teresa of Avila, The Way of Perfection

Now that we have entered the season of Advent, several people have been thinking of those who may be alone over the New Year. As New Year’s Day will be on a Sunday, we have decided to extend the tea and coffee session that we have every Sunday after the 10am Mass to cover the lunchtime period and to offer a light lunch, free of charge. As there will be no buses that day, we would like to set up a lift service for those who have no transport and would like to attend. Would you like to help with this? Could you help to prepare and serve food for an hour between 10.30am and 2.30pm? If so, ring 431970 and we will put you on a rota. Could you bring some prepared food when you come to Mass on that day? If so, please bring it to the church hall at any time between 10.30am and 12.30pm. Could you offer to give someone a lift to the church and take them home when they are ready to go home? If so, please ring 729516 to link to someone who needs a lift. 
Would you like to join us on New Year’s Day?
 If so, just come along any time between 10.30am and 1.30pm and enjoy a chat and some food. If you need a lift, please ring 729516 so that we can link you to someone who can pick you up and bring you home later.

We need volunteers to help run the winter night shelter in Hastings and St Leonards. From now until Monday 20th March 2017.
Or phone: 07954 241544

Lord Jesus Christ, we wish to receive you in every moment, forever: and we wish to make as many acts of love and adoration as you deserve and for all the goals that are pleasing to you.
           St Vincent Pallotti, pray for us.  Mary, Mother of Divine Love, pray for us.

please email or put through the presbytery letter box in an envelope marked NEWSLETTER. Please send in your notices by the Tuesday of the week preceding the weekend you wish your notices to be published. Also, the newsletter is available to read on our blog

DIVINE MERCY GROUP WELCOMES you to join us in the presbytery at 2.30pm  on Mondays  5th Dec and 19th Dec. 

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