Tuesday 20 December 2016

(back of) newsletter, 18th December, 201

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Let the King enter! He is the King of glory.
In the Crypt. Entrance via The Bourne. Mondays 10.30am to 12 noon.  December programme:
19th: Coffee and chat, mince pies.
26th: St Stephen’s Day – closed.
January 2017 programme:
2nd: closed. 9th: Linco Lingo – Bruce.
16th: Do you remember rationing? Jog your memory with Brenda.
23rd: Coffee & chat plus armchair exercises – different ones from last time!
Annual subscription: £3. Non-members welcome: 50p for talks. Coffee/tea & biscuit/ cake: 50p.
Now that we have entered the season of Advent, several people have been thinking of those who may be alone over the New Year. As New Year’s Day will be on a Sunday, we will extend the tea and coffee after the 10am Mass to cover the lunchtime period and to offer a light lunch, free of charge. As there will be no buses that day, we’d like to set up a lift service for those who have no transport and would like to attend. Could you offer to give someone a lift to the church and take them home when they are ready to go home? If so, please ring 729516 to link to someone who needs a lift.  Could you help to prepare and serve food for an hour between 10.30am and 2.30pm? If so, ring 431970. Could you bring some prepared food when you come to Mass on that day? If so, please bring it to the church hall at any time between 10.30am and 12.30pm. Would you like to join us on New Year’s Day?  If so, just come along any time between 10.30am and 1.30pm and enjoy a chat and some food. If you need a lift, please ring 729516 so that we can link you to someone who can pick you up and bring you home later.
Saturday 14th January in the presbytery from 10.30am to 12 noon. Parents requesting Baptism for babies and toddlers in the next 4 months
 are required to attend. Babies/ children welcome.
DIVINE MERCY GROUP WELCOMES you to join us in the presbytery at 2.30pm  on Monday 19th Dec.

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Consultation on Admission Arrangements
 for the academic year 2018-2019
The Governors of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School are consulting on their Admissions arrangements for 2018-2019.  The proposed Admissions Policy and Procedures may be found on our school website at www.sacredhearthastings.co.uk and copies are available by request from the school office.  The consultation period will run from 8th December 2016 to 26th January 2017 inclusive.  Comments should be addressed to: 
The Admissions Secretary, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Old London Road, Hastings, East Sussex  TN35 5NA by 26th January 2017.

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School. Foundation Governor Vacancy. Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School (Hastings) has a vacancy for a person to join our team as a Foundation Governor. As practicing Catholics, Foundation governors have a statutory duty to preserve and develop the religious character of the school and ensure compliance with the Trust Deed. They are supported in their role by the Schools Service through training, guidance and policies. Sacred Heart is committed to safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of, its pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. If, like us, you have a passion for high quality Catholic education, feel that you have the skills to support our strategic leadership of the school and are able to commit to volunteering the time to be effective in the role please contact Stephen Calladine-Evans (chair of governors) by email at chair@sacred-heart.e-sussex.sch.uk to arrange a conversation about this exciting and rewarding role.

Online applications will be open soon. Check the pilgrimage website for details www.ablourdes.org Pilgrims requiring any level of medical, nursing or caring assistance, or those without access to the internet, should contact the pilgrimage office direct for a paper application form on 01403 740110
please email stmarystarofthesea.hastings.uk@gmail.com or put through the presbytery letter box in an envelope marked NEWSLETTER. Please send in your notices by the Tuesday of the week preceding the weekend you wish your notices to be published. Also, the newsletter is available to read on our blog http://staroftheseahastings.blogspot.co.uk/

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