Tuesday 22 November 2016

(back of) newsletter, 20th November 2016

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: I rejoiced when I heard them say:
                                              ‘Let us go to God’s house’.

IMPULSES FOR PRAYER: Gn2:5-17;   Prov3:13-20;   Lk 2:22-32

Blessed are you, O Lord,
Our light and our salvation,
Creator of the day and night.
We give you thanks for the light of Christ
Rising from the dead.
Dispel all darkness
And fill us with your Holy Spirit
That we may sing:
Glory to you O Father, the source of every light!
Glory to you Lord Jesus, the firstborn from the dead!
Glory to you O Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life!
To you, Most Holy Trinity, be praise and glory
On this day of resurrection
And for evermore.
Amen.       Prayer from the Glenstal Monastic Office

Sat 19th November, 6pm: Deceased parishioners
Sun 20th November, 10am: John Gray, RIP
                                  11.30am: Baptismal Intention
Tues 22nd November: St Cecilia, 10am: Fr Seamus, RIP
Wed 23rd November, St Columban,10am: Fr Seamus, RIP
Thurs 24th November, Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions,10am: Fr Seamus, RIP
Fri 25th November, 10am: Stapleton Family
Sat 26th November, Our Lady on Saturday, 10am: 

If you would like a Mass for a special intention or in memory of someone, just go to the presbytery after Mass to book it in and get a Mass card.

please email stmarystarofthesea.hastings.uk@gmail.com or put through the presbytery letter box in an envelope marked NEWSLETTER. Please send in your notices by the Tuesday of the week preceding the weekend you wish your notices to be published. Also, the newsletter is available to read on our blog http://staroftheseahastings.blogspot.co.uk/

DIVINE MERCY GROUP WELCOMES you to join us in the presbytery at 2.30pm  on Mondays  5th Dec and 19th Dec.

In the Crypt. Entrance via The Bourne. Mondays 10.30am to 12 noon. Annual subscription: £3. Non-members welcome: 50p for talks. Coffee/tea & biscuit: 50p.
November programme:
21st: Alexandra Park – illustrated talk by Edward Preston   28th: Coffee and chat
Please pray for the Snowflake Night Shelter for homeless people, a cause very close to
Fr Seamus’ heart: Jesus, help us to see your face in the eyes of every homeless person;
keep them safe from physical and emotional harm;
give them hope for a better future by the respect, kindness and love shown to them. Amen
Please also pray for those who transport beds and bedding from church to church each day.

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