Saturday 12 November 2016

(back of) newsletter, 13th November, 2016

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Lord comes to rule the people with fairness.

IMPULSES FOR PRAYER: Dn 12;   Mk 13;   Lk 17:22-37;   Heb 12:2

The Church is called to be the epiphany of Christ, the visible body of Christ in the world. Our Christian identity, therefore, must be acquired by the way of the Cross, by progressive conversion and self-knowledge. The authentic celebration of the dedication of a church is a commitment on the part of the community to ongoing conversion in Christ.
Kristopher Willumsen, ‘Christian Identity…’ 1983
Sat 12th November, 6pm: Paul Murphy, RIP
Sun 13th November, Remembrance Sunday,10am: Joan Buckley, RIP
           11.30am: John Charles, RIP
Tues 15th November: 10am: Helga Page, RIP
Wed 16th November, 10am: Vincenza Nicola Casciolo & Adele Valentino Moscatelli, RIP
Thurs 17th November, 10am: Alfredo Massarella, RIP
Fri 18th November, Dedication of Basilica of Ss Peter & Paul,10am: Holy Souls
Sat 19th November, Our Lady on Saturday, 10am: Holy Souls

If you would like a Mass for a special intention or in memory of someone, just go to the presbytery after Mass to book it in and get a Mass card.

please email or put through the presbytery letter box in an envelope marked NEWSLETTER. Please send in your notices by the Tuesday of the week preceding the weekend you wish your notices to be published. Also, the newsletter is available to read on our blog

DIVINE MERCY GROUP WELCOMES you to join us in the presbytery at 2.30pm  on Mondays  21st Nov, 5th Dec and 19th Dec.

In the Crypt. Entrance via The Bourne. Mondays 10.30am to 12 noon. Annual subscription: £3. Non-members welcome: 50p for talks. Coffee/tea & biscuit: 50p.
November programme:
14th: Armchair exercise, coffee and chat
21st: Alexandra Park – illustrated talk by Edward Preston   28th: Coffee and chat

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