Sunday 30 October 2016

Fr Seamus Stapleton, RIP

St. Mary Star of the Sea   1 High Street, HASTINGS TN34 3EY
Tel: 01424 421263              Email:
(Arundel and Brighton Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity 252878)
Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines)
Parish Priest: Fr Seamus Stapleton SCA

Normal Mass Times
Sundays: 6.00pm (Sat), 10.00am, 11.30am. Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00am
Adoration: First Friday of Month 10.30am to 12 noon. Saturdays: 10.30am to 11am.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 10.30am and after the 6.00pm Mass.

30th OCTOBER 2016             YEAR C       
Fr Seamus Stapleton, SCA
We are in deep mourning for our Parish Priest, 
Fr Seamus. 
He celebrated the 
10am Mass this morning with great joy. 
After Mass he greeted everyone and checked 
on how each person/ family was.
He went home to the Lord just before it was time to go in and start 
the 11.30 Mass.

We thank God for the few years that Fr Seamus served our parish, for all the love he put into all he did for so many.
He will be very much missed.
May he rest in peace.


  1. Deeply saddened to have lost a wonderful friend and our sympathies go to his dear mother, sister, brothers and parishioners. Pat and Evelyn English. Tipperary Ireland

  2. Your dry wit and personable
    homily/sermons will be sorely sorely missed. Sympathy to your family who you mentioned many times during those memorable sermons. Thank you for your help on several matters over the years and your service to the parish. Father Seamus RIP. David Caffrey and Family. St Leonards on Sea

  3. The world is less without you, honoured to call you my friend. You will be missed for all days. You were amazing with Kieran and for that I remain eternally grateful. Sympathy to all those who loved you . RIP Bernadette Guneratne and family, Greenford.
